Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If you're not from here it's a little confusing

FYI:  The town of Lewes is near a number of smaller villages, including Glyndebourne, the home of the one the world’s most prestigious opera festivals.  Audience members are expected to wear evening dress (tuxedos for men, gowns and heels for women).

There is Glynde.
There is Glynde Place.
And there is Glyndebourne.

You can take the train to Glynde but not Glynde Place.
You can take the bus to Glynde Place, but not to Glynde.
You can’t take either to Glyndebourne. 

You can walk to Glynde. (“Quite a pleasant path – there’s a pub there.”)
You can also walk to Glynde Place (There’s no pub though.)
You can even walk to Glyndebourne – but 
you probably wouldn’t want to wearing evening dress.

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